Is shame running your life?

Symptoms of shame include:

  • Feeling not enough or unworthy
  • Having insecurities
  • Blaming yourself
  • Beating yourself up

Is shame running your life?

Symptoms of shame include:

  • Feeling not enough or unworthy
  • Having insecurities
  • Blaming yourself
  • Beating yourself up

Michael is one of the top-rated mental health practitioners in the nation


Michael’s Bestselling Books

Great for highly sensitive people to see if you are living in your parents' movie as your own (Intergenerational Trauma)

Want to heal your anxiety, anger and depression from the ground up so you can truly be free of them?

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Heal Yourself From the Ground Up!

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This FREE course entails the first critical yet unknown step to emotional healing in the field of mental health. This unknown step to emotional healing explains why the world is stuck in pain. All that we are left is ways to cope with it all while ignoring the root cause. What is typically offered to us are band-aid solutions like positive-thinking, or cognitive behavioral therapy while ignoring the underlying root of it all.

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