Michael’s Blog
The Power of Vulnerability (Episode #69)
Our society admires strength and looks down upon vulnerability thinking to be vulnerable is to be weak. We misuse “strength” to push away how we feel. It’s actually much easier to avoid
Your most powerful vote
With the election results approaching, I want to share what the most powerful vote you could ever cast truly is. Your most powerful vote comes down to following your dreams, which also requires working through your pain. Doing this is the greatest gift you can give not only to yourself but also to your children, your family, and the world.
Love your pain
Pain is a misconception. We think pain is a bad thing but it’s not. First off, if you were not able to feel physical pain and you left your hand on a burning stove, you would be without a hand. Pain tells us what we need to know and what we need to feel.
Pain is not knowing who you are
What are boundaries?
Boundaries are required in all relationships. If there are no boundaries in a relationship, there is no relationship. A relationship is a relationship between two separate entities. If there are no boundaries, then a relationship cannot exist because there are no longer two separate entities.
Why I had no boundaries with my wife
This personal story about boundaries is a window to understanding how broken boundaries show up in your life and how to reclaim your boundaries.
First off, I want to say that my wife has experienced a lot of dark and sick forms of trauma growing up. In our relationship, when things set her off, she could act emotionally and, at times, physically violent.
ADHD is a trauma response, not a disorder
One of the biggest misdiagnoses and misconceptions in the world is ADHD. ADHD is a trauma response, not a disorder. If you look at all the symptoms of ADHD (Difficulty focusing, overthinking, being forgetful, inability to sit still), they are all symptoms of dissociation. For example, being easily distracted helps distract yourself from feeling your pain.
Pain is avoiding how you feel
When we hear the word trauma, we think it’s something physical or violent, but that only encapsulates 1% of all traumas. When actually 100% of trauma is emotionally based.
The Root of All Your Pain
What is the number one thing a child needs from their parents? Did you answer “love”? Although love is extremely important, the number one thing a child needs from their parents is not love but it is “emotional connection.”
Infertility is the Result of Selflessness
Infertility is the result of selflessness. Your body is forcing you to be selfish before you are able to bear and raise your own child. Because if you cannot honor your true self, you cannot possibly be there for your child. You will be an empty vessel of a parent. How can you teach your child to honor who they are, and whom they are meant to be if you cannot do it yourself?
You Become What You Avoid
I often numb my feelings by living vicariously through the successes of others, watching YouTube videos, checking email – all because I am avoiding the feeling of failure. It is important for me to BE with this feeling.
The Trauma of Role Reversal Between Parent and Child
I was emotionally abandoned by my parents throughout my life because they consistently chose my mother’s fear and panic over my well-being.